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Just to Know II.

...if you ever wondered where and what it was before become your counter top.

MARBLE it is a metamorphic stone

Contains Calcite - a mineral found in the form of limestone and chalk

                Dolomite - a common rock, harder then calcite                                                                HARDNESS SCALE 3

                Magnetite - a generally white mineral

                Magnesium - Carbonate

GRANITE it is a igneous stone

Contains: Quartz - a brilliant, crystalline mineral                                                                            HARDNESS SCALE 7

                 Feldspar - crystalline mineral made up of aluminum silicates

                 Potassium - soft, silver-white, wax like metallic element that oxidizes

SLATE it is a metamorphic stone

fine grind rock formed from clay, sedimentary rock shale and sometimes quartz.                     HARDNESS SCALE 3

TRAVERTINE is a sedimentary stone

Is cream of reddish color, formed by the accumulation of calcite, from                                      HARDNESS SCALE 3

limy springs, lakes and streams.

ONYX is a metamorphic stone                                                                                                          HARDNESS SCALE 3

A translucent, crystalline calcite found in cave deposits.

LIMESTONE is a sedimentary rock

Contains calcite, it is composed of the organic remains of sea animals, corals, etc.                 HARDNESS SCALE 3

SOAPSTONE it is a sedimentary rock

It is a dense material that wears well. A rock formed by a variety of tale.                                HARDNESS SCALE 1

Do all natural stone need to be sealed?

This a question that it is been asked over and over again.While all the natural stones are porous, not all of them needs sealer.There are a lots of factors that will determine if your stone needs to be sealed or not.Where is installed and what type of stone. Sealer will give a certain degree of stain resitance and enough time to remove the contaminant.If is floor and our concearn is dirt and mud, then a general sealer will do it. If we talk concearn from food and drinks then the premium , quality sealer needed.

Often we have the question " will the sealer change the color of my stone?" Yes and no. There are  products that seal in a diffrent ways.The natural look sealers will not change the appereance of the stone.The color enhancing sealers will bring out the color of the stone, but will not change the sheen or texture of the stone.The t​opical coating sealers will bring out some colors of the stone white it will add a sheen finish.

How often should you seal?

​​It depends on where is installed: interior or exterior, hallway or bathroom, floor or wall. While natural stone is a durable material, it will need maintenance.

For counter tops and walls a pH neutral cleaner should be used. The most common household cleaners contain acids, bleachesand abrasives that can damage your stone, because they will strip it from the sealer used previously. 

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